A Life in Maple Syrup

Uncle David is 90.  Been making maple syrup as long as he can remember, first on the northern Wisconsin farm where he was born and then later as the lead “syruper” when he purchased the farm from his father, my grandfather.

I told my Uncle that I want to be like him when I am 90.  He just laughs and says, “it is because of the maple syrup..”  While we chuckle at maple syrup being the life sustaining elixir, we both know that is more than that.  But, it is still about the syrup….

Collecting sap from 120 acres of hard maple trees, splitting wood for the cooker, boiling it down to sweet, brown gold, and bottling for friends, family, and faithful customers is a reason to get up in the morning.  Retirement from his day job at 65 gave him more time and he has driven almost daily to the farm located near his home. There is always something to do in every season on the 300 plus acres of stately maples, birch, and pine.  His commitment to the land of his birth and heritage is the driving motivation of his life.

And he is joyful about it all.  Always a quick wit, a good joke, belly laughs, and a serenity of spirit that make him fun to be around.  He is not an old grouch.  He attacks each day with all the vigor of someone much younger.  No complaints about age.  In fact, no complaints about anything unless it is politics…. one does gain some opinions that only 90 years can bring.

Because Uncle David is living with joyful purpose he has a lot of friends.  The commitment to making maple syrup draws people together.  He does need help, a fact that he states with a chuckle, is his only concession to age.  Several like-minded sap runners are committed to the process but more so to him.  Add to this merry band all the customers who collect their maple syrup filled Mason quart jars, full of the yearly harvest from him personally. Or all the extended family(he is one of 13 siblings) and friends that he stays in contact with because of the maple syrup.  His life is sweet(pun intended) rich and full.

Every time I pour maple syrup over pancakes, ice cream, or French toast I end up licking my plate.  Just like Uncle David.  It reminds me that life can be real good…right to the last drop.





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