Business Planning

Client needs for advice on provisioning food & beverage services are like snowflakes…no two are alike!  However, every client can make use of one or more of these services in order to establish successful company-provided coffeeshop/cafe services in a newly constructed or remodeled building.

Following, then, is a list of some of the most popular consulting services we stand ready to provide:

Needs Analyses during Facility-Planning Stages

Clients need support at the earliest stages of a prospective construction project so that the right questions are asked of the various stakeholders and the right options are presented to prospective users of the services.

Meetings with Architect Firms

Even at the earliest stages of client meetings with architects, our input on food and beverage design options and equipment choices allow the architects to incorporate client needs from the very start of the process.  Some architects will ask us to participate in selected design meetings when they’re discussing user groups’ food and beverage expectations.

Equipment Selection and Vendor Contacts

We provide professional input to clients on the types of equipment to purchase and install in a new facility to effect (a) the best user experience, (b) the most versatile menu options, and (c) the least cost of maintenance over time.  As part of our services, we can design Requests for Quotes (RFQs) or Request for Proposals (RFPs), distribute them to prospective vendors and evaluate the responses. While our clients make the final decisions, our input makes those decisions easier to make.

Menu Design/Development of Food/Beverage Sourcing Options

As highly experienced café owners, we are able to develop unique, attractive, wholesome menus for the coffeehouse/café and determine who in the marketplace can provide the required food ingredients and beverages.  As is done with equipment vendors, we are able to find and evaluate vendors in the market who will provide the best products for the lowest prices.

Evaluation of Café Owner/Manager Candidates

While we are not in the business of running dining operations, its owners have substantial operational experience.  Therefore, we are able to assist its clients in finding and evaluating prospective food & beverage operations managers — up to and including first-time owners.  In the event the highest-rated candidate is a first-timer, we are able to assist him/her with business-plan development, identifying LOC funding sources and assisting in the loan-application process.

Grand Opening Mentoring Assistance

No matter if the operations management is entrusted to a highly experienced firm or to a first-time owner, we are able to provide Grand Opening mentoring services to make sure the venture starts smoothly.  In addition, we can provide regularly scheduled operational reviews to make sure the owner/operator is comporting with the wishes of our client.