In Search of the Simple Life


A book by this title sits on my to read shelf. And sits and sits…. This inaction, in itself, a commentary on the struggle to realize my desire to simplify life and truly live with more satisfying rhythms.

The book is a compilation of writings from the Puritans, Quakers, Thoreau and includes contemporary authors like Wendall Berry, one of my favorites.  As I have finally begun to read a few selections I have gleaned a some notions that are consistent with our human desire to live simply with joy, purpose, and contentment in a world that is forming us for speed.  What is ironic, reflective from these readings is that each century had it’s own challenges with time….truly there is a timeless desire for simplicity that we all possess.

First, to live the simple life takes hard work.  Decisions first have to be made to change our lifestyle.  Living with less is not an easy decision.  Doing with one less car, learning to raise our own food, use less electricity, or spend more time in the kitchen making our own meals requires a profound commitment.

Second, in our culture in the 21st century, technology is the engine of the fast life and is reforming the way we think.  For example, try focusing on any one thing for more than 5 minutes before changing a channel or checking out a new site on the internet.  Consider the overlapping technology we all possess: smart phones, iPads, PC’s, TV’s  on our walls at home and on our computers.  Constant access to the net.

All these leave me sometimes hoping for a power outage…..  And those times when our power was out or our internet was down or I forgot my phone when I left the house–were some real good days!! So I got to thinking, “why not be proactive and begin to control the technology and take back my life?”

So here is where my wife and I are heading.

·       A phone is a phone. No data or less data….see, I am already fudging.  This is not easy.

·       We will use our iPads or PC for internet access.

·       The TV will be on less than it is already because we want to read more- so many good books and so little time.  Time will be purchased from the off button on the TV.

·       Table games are in. Real human interaction without a screen.

We already garden, my wife is a wonderful cook and we heat our home with wood.  Thoreau would be proud.  It is the technology that we need to conquer.  And I am convinced we are not the only ones.  What is your story?  What is your plan?

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