Those Piano Lessons…

Those Piano Lessons….

It seems that most adults in my generation had to take piano lessons when they were children. Some, with a whisper of desire, but most because of our parents’ inclination to give us culture and some measure of discipline.

I fought it right from the start but became quite good for a time during my grade school years. Even played in a contest at the University of Chicago School of Music before professors who encouraged me to continue. It seems they saw something in me that I did not choose to see.

But it was to no avail. I was a sports junky. I just could not mesh the daily piano lessons with the call of the diamond, the court, the field…. Once I entered high school my parents threw in the towel and let me quit.

I wish now I had stayed with it. My jump shot is now a set shot because landing hurts. Running and throwing in competition is problematic with hip and shoulder surgery. Now is a good time to play the piano. I love music. Always have. I could be playing to my heart’s content and giving this gift to those I love. But, alas, I need lessons again. I need to sit down, practice and relearn all that I was taught those many years ago.

Hindsight is something we all possess. Foresight is rare. It is for the select few who can delay gratification for the sake of a greater life purpose. Chopin anyone?




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