Thoughts on Humility

Arrogance is ugly. You hate it when you see it in another person. Pride breeds all manner of bad behavior and such is the human condition, a condition that we see daily in the news.

Humility is a trait that is so desperately needed in our culture, in our world. A humble person is a learning person. A learning person is one that is curious, never thinking they have arrived… Consider the results in our world if more humility was present:

Humility leads you to serve others.

Humility celebrates the dignity of others to its own expense.

Humility answers softly when spoken to harshly.

Humility is restrained when someone tries to provoke you.

Humility is not thinking of what impressive work I am doing.

Humility is delighted with all the flawed people.

Listen to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, famous Russian dissident who lived in Communist Russia and was in prison for years until released and then emigrated to the USA later in life:

“the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties—–but right through every human heart.”

The sobering reality is that you will never be free from conflict and struggle. A humble person recognizes that life is full of hard stuff. But your humility will lead you to see and understand that the struggle is the same in every life….. that humility envelopes justice and mercy into a winsome package of a life that is attractive and powerful.


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